
FDP101x: Foundation Program in ICT for Education.

FDP101x is the first part of the two workshops conducted by IIT Bombay under T10KT (‘Train 1000 Teachers’) programme under the project ‘Empowerment of Students/Teachers,’ sponsored by the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Government of India).

FDP101x course will give exposure to the participants about the various ICT applications useful in the teaching-learning process.


The course journal is like a diary maintained during the entire course duration. Important observations, notes, learning etc are jotted down in this journal. Please find course journal for 5 weeks (3rd August to 7th September 2017) below:

pdf FDP101x Course Journal



The FDP also provided exposure to Learning Management System using MOODLE. Click on this link to access the first topic “Introduction to Conic Sections” from the Engineering Graphics course in Moodle.

Provide the following user credentials to login as a student:

Username: student1

Password: Student@1

Select “Engineering Graphics” under My Courses, to access the Learning Dialogue on Introduction to Conic Sections.

The Moodle site is hosted on Gnomio– free Moodle hosting service.